Asian Greens, More than just a green

Asian green

Asian Greens … the unsung hero of the stir fry!

Pak Choy, Bok Choy, Choy Sum, Chinese Cabbage …. What are these? Collectively these yummy greens make up what we call Asian Greens.  They come from the Brassica family so are friends with broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage. Sounds like a yummy stir fry right there!

These leafy greens are rich in vitamins B, C, E, and K.  With additional benefits of fibre, iron, calcium potassium, lutein, folate, beta-carotene and magnesium.  Adding fibre to your diet can help relieve constipation, stimulating digestion to encourage bowel movements. They are low in calories and the calcium and iron found in Asian greens are typically more readily absorbed than those in traditional leafy greens, as they have lower levels of oxalic acid, great for bone health and those suffering with iron deficiencies.

Let’s look at Bok Choy, a readily available option in your local supermarket all year round ….  Bok Choy is high in antioxidants, vitamin C, E and also contains selenium.  These nutrients are used in our body for detoxification pathways and can help decrease inflammation in the body.  Bone health can be aided by many of the nutrients found in Bok Choy like calcium, magnesium and phosphorus and the iron and zinc can be utilised for collagen production to keep our skin and gut healthy and happy. With beta carotene being well known for aiding in eye health …. This is where the saying “eat your carrots they will make you see in the dark” comes from as they also contain high levels of beta carotene.

Our useful tip for cooking these leafy greens …. Make sure you wash them thoroughly in cold water! They are grown in sandy soil and have a tendency to bring that sand home with them, there is nothing worse than crunching down on a mouthful of sand!  Best used fresh, Asian Greens can be boiled, stir fried or steamed and require very little cooking and best to be eaten just cooked than overcooked, retaining all their nutrients.  Try using them in salads and soups for a bit of an Asian twist. So when someone tells you to eat your greens, think outside of the broccoli and add some Asian leafy greens to your meal!

I love nothing more than salmon steak and steamed asian greens with a dash of hoisin and fresh crushed garlic. fast, easy and feels great!

Looking for yummy fast wholefood recipes and meal ideas? join the next 14day Reset me program. You have the flexibility to make up your own meal plan from the recipes provided or use the structured meal plan guide. Reset Me is a great way to create fresh routines, thoughts and recipes, its like the light feeling after going away on a girls trip.

Kacey Grieves

Naturopath 08 9332 1119


Kacey Grieves